Precinct News
Precinct News Update as at 12.11.2008
Maleny Precinct Update
November 2008
A few months ago the Sunshine Coast Regional Council instituted a process for the Maleny Precinct which involved getting key stake-holders to sit around a table and discuss what they wanted to achieve, based on Council’s Approved Precinct Plan. Each of the six groups has been offered the opportunity to submit a plan for their relevant areas with the intention that, in the new year, Council will provide leases to the appropriate stakeholders.
The six groups participating are: Maleny Historical Society, representing the old Armstrong (Pattemore) house; Maleny District Sports and Recreation, concerned with a range of facilities including playing fields, bowls greens, aquatic and gym centre and joint Club House; Golf Club, wishing to construct a twelve-hole community golf course; Barung Landcare negotiating a Material Change of Use on an area near Pattemore House; Green Hills, mainly concerned with the northern section of the Precinct for the development of Parklands and constructed wetland; and Malpan, representing the area proposed for additional community facilities.
The process has now reached a critical phase. At the meeting on the 11th November the groups outlined their proposals for the various areas. Of particular interest is the suggestion that the aquatic facility be co-located with other sporting facilities and the joint club house, rather than in the proposed community facilities area. This will also allow more space in the community facilities area for the growing list of community groups interested in a presence in that area. If any community organisation feels it is being left out, it should contact one of the above stake-holders as soon as possible.
At the next meeting the groups will discuss where, if anywhere, there are conflicts arising. Senior Council officers will be present to clarify issues with regard to existing and relevant Acts etc. At the final meeting, on December 9th the submissions will be presented in draft form.
With only two more meetings to go the pressure is on for the groups who make up the Maleny Community Precinct Advisory Group to come up with final submissions.
In 2009 the whole Precinct will come under a master planning process by Council staff, taking into account inputs from the Advisory Group. The intention is to have this Master Plan completed by June 30th, with groups who have been granted leases able to take them from July 1.
All meetings of the Advisory Group are facilitated by a Council appointed mediator. It was a pleasure to have Cr Jenny Mckay attending.