President Paulette Steele
Secretary Bernice McLennan


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Fees are paid twice a year.  Contact the secretary for further information.


6-30pm for 7pm
1st and 3rd Wed of each month,
Where we meet
Maleny Hotel
Bunya St.

For information on meeting venues for other weeks please contact the secretary.


To be a vibrant Rotary Club with a diverse membership, serving our community and making a positive difference in the world.

To provide service to others, promote integrity and advance world understanding, goodwill and peace through our fellowship of business, professional and community leaders.

1. To grow our membership
2. To conduct effective Service projects
3. To contribute to The Rotary Foundation
4. To develop future leaders at and above the Club level
5. To serve our local community effectively

The Rotary Club of Maleny is a big part of our community life, each year supporting many local projects, including the Maleny Show, the Hinterland Aussie Day Expo, Maleny Wood Expo, Muscle On The Mountain – Maleny Show & Shine Day, the Qld Cross Country Championships and hold their famous fortnightly “Sausage Sizzle” outside the Maleny Chemist on Maple Street.

The club also supports the Maleny based Friends of Ebenezer and directly, through Rotary Australia World Community Service (RAWCS), the Ebenezer School for orphans in Livingstone, Zambia. Contributions to RAWCS for the ongoing work at the school accommodating and providing education to the current 280 children, go directly to the school, and are tax deductible.

The Maleny branch supports “Interact”, a teenage service club (Maleny SHS has regularly won the District Trophy).

Maleny Rotary Club is delighted to have joined MDSRC and to be participating in the community efforts in creating sporting and recreational facilities planned for the Precinct including a Heritage Park Project on the MDSRC lease and the Sunshine Coast Council Southern Wetlands Community Planting Revegetation Project at Porters Lane.

The club has presented MDSRC with a perpetual trophy to be awarded annually to the outstanding ‘Young Sportsperson of the Year’ and we also operate an annual grants program.

It is Maleny Rotary’s 60th Anniversary on 29th April 2019 – This special occasion marks, to the day, the 60th anniversary of the inaugural meeting of the Rotary Club of Maleny in 1959!

Watch this space for announcements of our planned celebrations
Rotary International is also 113 years old in 2019 and is justifiably recognised as a major privately funded charity, and for integrity in its operations, reflected in the Four-Way Test to which all Rotarians commit their dealings:

1. Is it the truth?
2. Is it fair to all concerned?
3. Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

One of the International projects Maleny Rotary is most proud of is the worldwide PolioPlus program which has eliminated the terrible poliovirus from all but 4 countries in the world. This is a massive achievement.