Correspondence and enquiries to the Secretary:

or PO Box 561, Maleny, Qld, 4552


Website | Facebook


All membership enquiries to Claire Blowes: 


Maleny Arts and Crafts Building, 13 Stanley River Road, Maleny (Maleny Showgrounds)


The Maleny Arts and Crafts Group was formed 41 years ago. It has developed into a group which has 250 members with 14 interest groups making use of the facilities provided for its members.

The objective of MACG is to promote public awareness, knowledge and appreciation of the various arts and groups undertaken by MACG members. MACG seeks to involve interested adults from the local community by providing a relaxed social environment conducive to the pursuit of these activities. MACG provides a meeting place (workshop) allowing members to gain knowledge and new skills and to extend existing skills in their chosen activity/activities.

MACG has a retail outlet (Gallery) in the main street of Maleny where our members can offer their locally produced hand crafted items for sale. We also hold an Autumn Fair and Christmas Fair in the Maleny Community Centre each year. In addition. MACG presents a Quilt Show every second year.


All activities are conducted at the MACG building at the showground.

Quilting Monday 9am – 12.30pm
Embroidery Monday 1pm – 4pm – 1st and 3rd weeks
Fine Art Tuesday 9am – 12.30pm
Life Drawing Tuesday 1pm – 4pm – 2nd week
Crochet Group Tuesday 1pm – 4pm – 1st, 3rd and 4th weeks
Evening Group Tuesday 7pm (Mixed Craft)
Sewing Group Wednesday 9am – 12.30pm
Porcelain Art Wednesday 1pm-4pm
Textile Art Thursday 9am
Claywork Thursday 9am
Glass Group Thursday 1pm – 4pm
Woodcrafting Friday 9am – 12.30pm
Machine Knitting Friday 9am – 12,30pm – 2nd and 4th weeks
Spinning and Weaving Friday 1pm – 4pm