President Rob Hobson: 0418785967
Secretary Diane Hobson: 0403871842


Website | Facebook


Adult – Forms on website or at a meeting

Junior Players – Contact Catherine Steele at


2nd Wednesdayof month 9am (Committee meeting)

Last Thursday of month play reading – 7pm


The objects of the Maleny Players are:

  1. The practise and performance of high quality dramatic and stage entertainments.
  2. To foster artistic talent in the community.
  3. To participate in public performances for the benefit of the community.
  4. To enter for musical and dramatic art competition as may be decided upon.
  5. To support fellow members in their dramatic endeavours.
  6. To enhance the pleasure, enjoyment and self-fulfilment of members.
  7. To provide facilities for members such as work shops in drama related areas.
  8. To liaise with and support other groups with similar aims.
  9. To make representation to Government at all levels and to other associations of groups of people or individuals in the interest of the Association’s activities.
  10. To undertake any such other activity as may from time to time be agreed upon by the Association.
  11. To foster friendship amongst members.


The Playhouse
Maleny Showgrounds
Maleny Stanley River Road
Maleny 4552