Precinct News
Precinct News Update as at 06.06.2010
An important council decision
for the Maleny Precinct
The third Annual General Meeting of the MDSRC held on 3rd June was a well attended event, with around 60 attendees; I welcome the new committee and look forward to the year ahead.
This important AGM provided a useful forum for members to discuss details of Council’s recently released draft Master Plan for the Precinct.
Deputy Mayor Tim Dwyer, who also represented Cr Jenny McKay, provided insight into facets of the plan and we are very thankful for his input and impetus.
A subsequent meeting with the stakeholders and Cr Jenny McKay on 4th June resulted in very beneficial refinements to the Master Plan, which lead to changes in the recommendations for presentation to the General Committee.
The final result from the General Committee Meeting of 7th June was unanimous approval for the amended Plan and is a welcome and balanced outcome. We now await final ratification from the Meeting of Council on Thursday 10th June.
The next move will be to finalise financial models and once Council is satisfied regarding the viability of our development, to obtain a lease. We acknowledge that financial constraints will impact on the speed of development as will the urgency that Council attach to providing road and service infrastructure. We are however very grateful that the planning phase is all but achieved and that we can proceed with the real part of the development – to provide sporting and recreational facilities for the people of Maleny.
The approval by Council of the amended Maleny Precinct Master Plan is a very good outcome for Maleny as it provides a balanced result for all user groups, and is a solid foundation for the community as we enter the development stage. We have always acknowledged that our major constraint will be financial, but there are a great many things that we can all contribute to through volunteer assistance, and we will be seeking the help of the community as we move forward into this exciting development.
Finally I would like to thank all the affiliated clubs and individual members who have supported and continue to support the aims of Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club. That support has been an invaluable part of ensuring we have reached the point we have arrived at today. We can now all look forward to working together to provide the top class facilities our town has anticipated.
Mike Norman 9th June 2010
Mike Norman 10/06/2010