Precinct News
Precinct News Update as at 01.09.2009
“Precinct advisory group reformed”
I am pleased to advise that the Maleny Precinct Advisory Group has been reformed under the chairmanship of Cr Jenny McKay and the first meeting of the Community Engagement Plan Phase 2 was held on Wednesday 26th August.
To avoid any confusion regarding the outcome of these meetings, it has again been agreed that an official statement will be released by Council as and when required. I believe that this is the best policy so would request that members keep an eye on The Range News for these official statements.
On a personal note, I believe that Council has to be strong in its resolve to finalise the Precinct planning and meet its deadline – set for the end of the year. A generally agreed plan that will satisfy the vast majority of users was tabled and accepted in Council last year.
What has to be agreed now relates to funding and governance. These are the real issues that will determine the extent of the Precinct development and that will also determine the priorities and fine tuning of the development. They are issues that need to be resolved and can be, by Council officials and the community working together, so that when the Masterplan is presented to our councillors, it will be a truly representative submission.
Related to the Precinct viability are the business plans necessary to show the bona fides of the Precinct potential lease holders and I would like to thank those 30 members who have already returned their individual survey responses. I am aware of the amount of work being undertaken by the affiliated clubs in preparing their responses and am again very grateful. As the biggest potential user of the Precinct in terms of numbers, it is very important that we can reflect our membership’s support in terms of the survey so I do request that you return as many responses as possible to the CPR Group.
It has recently come to our attention that some sporting bodies who may be in need of equipment or clubhouse modifications are looking for funding. The MDSRC is more than willing to assist with grant applications or letters of support and would request that clubs or groups contact us if they need our assistance at any time.
With the construction of a golf driving range commencing, the gathering and sourcing of all sorts of equipment needed is underway by the golf club; I hear a good home is promised for practice balls and any old clubs and gear that might be donated, for use by beginners.
MDSRC supports the development of new sporting facilities for the district and is pleased to see the progress made by the golf club.
Mike Norman 31/08/09