Precinct News
Opening the Gate 10.08
“Opening the Gate”
At long last, a small but significant event has taken place on the land put aside for The Maleny Precinct. A temporary gate has been installed at a spot on Stephen Porter’s farm to enable initial survey work required by the sporting clubs on area 7 and 7(a) much easier.
The Precinct Concept Maps are available on the Maleny District Sports & recreation Club website. ( Sections 7 and 7(a) are the areas allocated to Sport and Recreation on the Approved Plan. This installation makes access to area 7(a) inparticular much easier, with less driving across pastures.
Area 7(a) is where the proposed joint club house, sports fields and bowling greens will be sited.
The gate post is a new one of treated hardwork, donated by Don Hassell; the white beech latch post has been in situ for about 100 years and was originally installed by Stephen Porter’s grandfather. The gate itself has been donated by the Maleny Golf Club.
The Maleny Precinct Working Group has met on three occasions.
Its inaugural meeting was on 1st September 2008. Members had an informal meeting on 16th September to discuss some key issues. It held its second official meeting on 7th October which was preceded by a site visit to the Precinct.
The Maleny Precinct Working Group members are:
Councillor – Jenny McKay
Council Facilitator – Steve Gould
Maleny Historical Society – Stan Collard
MALPAN – Bob Hall
MDSRC – Mike Norman
Maleny Golf Club – Max Whitten
Barung Landcare – Heather Spring &
Daryl Ebenezer
MalenyGreen Hills – Steve Swayne & Steven Lang
The proposed club house will be pegged out on Friday October 16th.