Now only 2 week’s away, the MDSRC 2015 Awards Dinner welcomes Olympic gymnast and weightlifter, Jade Sharp, as after dinner guest speaker. Mother of 2 boys aged 5 and 6, Jade’s achievements in 2 gruelling sports are outstanding. As an Olympic weightlifter, Jade won silver at the 2013 State Championships. A gymnast on the National team for 3 years, she was also an injured member of the 1996 Olympic Team. She is a gymnastics coach and trainer at state and national level, and currently still coaches her own mum and dad, also coaching CrossFit and weightlifting. Jade also coaches a range of programs, from PMP school programs, Kindergym, Levels 1-10, for adults, teenagers and elite gymnasts. Her business, Gymnastics Method, specialises in body weight strength and movement education. Still finding time to help out at the local soccer club, when asked about her own motivation, and the challenges faced daily as a busy mum, business woman and athlete, Jade said “I believe sport is one of life’s greatest teachers. The people involved in running sport and rec programs at the local level are the backbone of communities and are, to me, a community’s greatest asset”. Jade teaches that the human body is designed to run, jump, kick, hit, swing, climb, push, pull, invert – and that all of these actions are movements. “Life is Movement. Sport is movement and it truly is, for the whole community.” You can hear more at the Awards Dinner on Saturday 28th March, 6pm at Tranquil Park Maleny. We hope you’ve got your table booked for this great night of entertainment, awards and dinner. The evening recognises and awards Maleny’s outstanding achievers and clubs, and we are delighted to have Jade join us. Enjoy drinks at the Tranquil Park Bar from 6pm. The evening will be off to a great start with music from John Mays, and MC Simon Denver will share the stage with hostess Stacey Bentley, the 2015 Maleny Show Charity Princess. Please come along and support our community’s achievers and the Maleny District Sport and Rec Club at a fun family night out, tickets $50 and $25 12 y/o and under. Seating is strictly limited, to book seats please email asap.